Sonic Promos | Custom Promotional Items


Second Helping Episode 6: Brand Buffets Linked to Promobesity Epidemic

In this episode of Grill’a Marketing, Seth explains how there is a strategic way to choose and place items for display at your tradeshow booth. While offering many items might be easy, doing so may cause you to lose an opportunity to maximize engagement. Offering a brand buffet in order to hit several different tastes might seem like a satisfactory method. However, doing so takes a lot of time and may cost a considerable amount of money. Further, it requires ample preparation, and the actual distribution can be exasperating. Before you order items for your next tradeshow, decide what you want your prospects to see when they look at your booth:

Two images side by side. On the left, a buffet with people serving themselves. On the right, a plated meal

An endless buffet of choices has no clear focus. Everything is lost in a haze of different flavors. When you choose the brand buffet option, it is difficult to direct attention toward a specific item because there are countless items surrounding it with no deliberate arrangement. These items take different amounts of time to prepare, require dissimilar preparation methods, and may demand varying modes of distribution.

If instead you plan to offer strategically selected items, choose to arrange your items like an elegantly plated entrée. “Place the main item in the center of the plate, then build around it. Keep the amount of food on the plate to a minimum, filling only about two-thirds of the plate at most.” The key is to offer a curated array of options and a thoughtful experience for your prospects. While it is possible to simply order a wide variety of items so that there is a vast selection to choose from, doing so incurs an opportunity cost. Trade shows are a chance to influence the impression that your brand leaves on the prospects that arrive at your booth. Rather than focusing on providing as many items as possible, a few meaningful items have the potential to increase both brand awareness and brand loyalty.

Put an end to promobesity. Before you order items for your next tradeshow, talk to the team at Sonic Promos and we will work with you to cook up a spread that will make them want more.

Participate in the Sonic Promos BBQ Test Kitchen Survey. Further instruction and a taste of success will follow!

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