Sonic Promos | Custom Promotional Items


Second Helping Episode 13: Do not Walk the Plank

In this episode of Grill’a Marketing, Seth explains how to boost your marketing strategy by focusing on presentation. Seth grills salmon on a plank rather than directly on the grill. Using the plank elevates the salmon in three diverse ways: The smoke coming directly from the plank provides flavor. The plank acts as a barrier between the grill and the salmon which prevents burning. Serving the salmon on the plank allows for a practical yet elegant presentation. Using a plank is an example of actively selecting a unique way to present your marketing message. Do not be passive and walk the plank with your marketing strategy.

A woman in a business suit stands on the end of a wooden plank over a cliff's edge. She's looking over the edge of the plan with her hand on her head and mouth open with surprise

How can we apply this concept to our own marketing strategies? Think strategically to prevent promobesity. Present your promotional items in a way that grabs attention and direct focus to your main course, “the star of the show.” Although providing options is necessary, too many can distract prospects and divert their attention from the core message you want to deliver. Put yourself in the shoes of someone looking at your booth. What item catches your eye? What imagery does the products’ set up invoke? What brand association do you think of? Presentation matters when it comes to first impressions and lasting impressions.

Does presentation matter only for trade shows? Presentation always matters. If you want to send a Holiday gift box to your clients, do you want items thrown in the box with no discernable order? Or do you want a carefully curated arrangement of delicious items from NC Custom? Your client will associate your gift with your brand. If you want to make an impression through strategic presentation, talk to the Sonic Promos team. We can show you how!

Grill Master Tip: Participate in the Sonic Promos BBQ Test Kitchen Survey. Further instruction and a taste of success will follow!

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