Clone our programs!

Welcome to the Sonic Promos Client Club! You’re here because you’ve done amazing things–like choosing to work with Sonic Promos. Thanks for all your support! Back in 1997, when Sonic Promos was first started, another notable announcement was made to the world: scientists had successfully cloned a large mammal from an adult cell. Her name was Dolly and she was launched into immediate celebrity status. While Sonic Promos doesn’t have Dolly’s name recognition (yet), we have also been helping launch brands and companies into the world for the past 25 years. Our years of expertise is why we want you to CLONE OUR PROGRAMS. You don’t have to feel like you are reinventing the wheel. Let us use our successful programs as the template for your next marketing campaign! What is an online program useful for? Want to know more? Check out our latest webinar about our platforms here:   See some demos in action here: Simple Store: Basic Company Store: Advanced Company Store: For demos of our retail rewards and gift cards programs, reach out to us for codes and demo links! Need more info? Call us at 301.869.7800 or email us at